Online QR Code Scanner Tool

Scans QR codes from images, allowing you to recognize and extract QR code content from images.

Drag image file here or Click to select file
Supported file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, webp, svg, ico

    Please select an image first, and then the QR code content will be displayed

    Online QR Code Scanning and Recognition Tool User Guide

    This tool aims to provide users with a convenient, efficient, and secure way to decode QR codes.

    Steps for Use

    1. Select an Image: Drag and drop or select an image containing a QR code from your computer.

    2. Start Decoding: The tool will display the image and automatically start the decoding process. The decoding will be done directly on the browser end without uploading to any server, ensuring data security.

    3. View Results: Once the decoding is complete, the tool will display the decoded text content on the page. Users can copy, paste, or perform other operations as needed.


    1. Image Quality: To ensure accurate decoding, please provide clear, high-quality QR code images.

    2. Browser Compatibility: This tool supports mainstream browsers, but performance may vary between different browsers. If you encounter decoding issues, please try changing browsers or updating to the latest version.

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