Online Text Deduplication Tool

Perform deduplication operations on text content. Advanced options support configuring separators, case sensitivity, and more.

Input Text
Deduplication Result

Online Text Deduplication Tool User Manual

This tool runs directly in the browser and can quickly remove duplicate items from text content.

Usage Instructions

  1. Input Text: Enter the text content to be processed in the text box. By default, each line is considered as a text item.
  2. Advanced Options (Optional): If you need more fine-grained control over deduplication, you can set the delimiter and choose whether to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase in the advanced options.
  3. Execute Deduplication: Click the "Deduplicate" button, and the tool will immediately perform deduplication operations on the text content.
  4. View Results: The deduplicated results will be displayed in the result text box, and users can directly copy or further edit them.
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