Online UUID Generator Tool

Generates globally unique identifiers (UUIDs) to ensure uniqueness in various scenarios requiring unique identification.

Generate a UUID


Generate Multiple UUIDs

Quantity Selection
Contain Hyphen

UUID Online Generator Tool


UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a widely used identifier in computer science that can generate globally unique IDs without the need for a central coordinating authority. This UUID online generator tool aims to provide users with a simple and efficient way to generate UUIDs, supporting batch generation to meet the needs of various use cases.


  • Easy to use: Users can easily generate UUIDs by visiting the tool page without installing any plugins or software.
  • Batch generation: Supports generating multiple UUIDs at once, greatly improving work efficiency.
  • Uniqueness guarantee: The generated UUIDs are based on standard algorithms, ensuring uniqueness worldwide.
  • Strong compatibility: The generated UUIDs can be widely used in databases, file systems, network protocols, and other fields.
  • Security guarantee: This tool generates UUIDs locally in the browser.

Use Cases

  • Database primary key generation: Assigning unique UUIDs as primary keys for records in database tables.
  • File naming: Assigning UUIDs as file names for uploaded files to avoid naming conflicts.
  • Network transmission: Using UUIDs as unique identifiers for messages in network communications.
  • Software registration code generation: Generating unique registration codes or serial numbers for software products.
  • Other scenarios that require globally unique identifiers.


  1. Open the UUID Online Generator Tool page.
  2. Generate a single UUID or select the desired number of UUIDs to generate.
  3. Choose the UUID format, which can be without hyphens.
  4. Click the "Generate" button to obtain a list of generated UUIDs.
  5. Copy the generated UUIDs to the clipboard or save them to a local file as needed.
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